miércoles, 4 de junio de 2014


El proyecto del último bloque es la exposición por equipo que ya han sido designados en clase, quedando de la siguiente manera:


lectura: Calico
Roberto Muciño, Diego Pulido, Diego Gross, Arian Yael, Daniel Alejandro

lectura: Stay safe on line
Victor Acosta, Edgar Cuecuecha, Rogelio, Matt Dylan

lectura: New York
Melina, Nancy, Karina, Ana Margarita, Karla Valenzuela,

lectura: Walking Amazone
Daniel López, Pedro, Roberto Franco, Daniel Alfonso

lectura: Environment
Angel Sosa, Karla Valencia, Irzy, Cesar, Alan E.

lectura: Stay safe on line
Yazmin, Jocelyn, Carlos V., Alejandro S., Kevin

Las fechas serán mencionadas en el salón de clase.


Lectura: Calico
Ma. Fernanda Vignon, Samantha, Jorge, Ma. Jose M., Nayeli

Lectura: Stay safe on line
Jose Maria, Aldo, Marcos, Jesús Villegas, Alonso

Lectura: New York
Vania, Ma. José González, Diana I, Yamile Bernardo, Héctor.

Lectura: Amazon
Arieth, Jesús Arturo, Luis Carlos, Emar,

Lectura: Environment
Diana. Rosita, Yamil, Paz, Yamile Santos

lectura: Environment
Andrés, Christian, Manuel R.  Gil, Luis

2° C

Lectura: Calico
Alejandra, Melisa, Valeria,  Flor, Jazmín

Lectura: Stay safe on line
Ulises, Marco, Erick, Gerardo, Eduardo,

Lectura: New York
Brandon, Diana, Carlos, Irving, Pedro

Lectura: Amazon
Katia, Andrea, Alondra, Memo

Lectura: Environment
Diego, Raquel, Ma. Fernanda, Adrian


Lectura:  Calico
Miguel, AxelGiovany, Sebastian, Alan, Zuriel

Lectura: Amazon
David, Ma Fernanda, Yael, Emilio, Carlos Eduardo

Lectura: New York
Tamara, Aylin, Ximena, Dayra, Maria Jose

Lectura: Stay safe in line
Karen, Karla, Luz, Mario

Lectura: Environment
Isa, Astrid, Stefania, Zeret

Lectura: New York
Diana, Carlos Yael, Chistian, Gabriel

domingo, 25 de mayo de 2014

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014

Homework week: May 12th

Hello students! This is the homework for the week:

1 Answer the activities from page w30 and w31 (the questions on the notebook) for the third class

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

Homework , week: May 6th to May 9th

Hello! You have to the following:

1- page W28 (solo para la última clase)

2. Examen firmado y pegado en la libreta

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

test guide

Hello, probably you are resting in your houses, but we have to study for the exams...
The guide:

- Reading about Zorbing (page 52 and 53)
- the list of the verbs in past participle, 30 verbs
- Present Perfect structure (notebook and page 55)

domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Just one task

You have to correct your exam,paste it on your notebook.
Your parents have to sign the exam.